We all have invisible barriers to manifesting our full potential created by karma, spiritual contracts, unconscious programming, energetic programming, and limiting beliefs
If you resonate when we say "You are an older soul"
-- Ever"
hard work,
endlessly analyzing yourself,
or feeling like you have to take care of everyone.
You've been mislead:
You've been taught that if you just analyze and figure out what blocks you, if you just learn one more thing, you will open your full potential
First, go beyond the limits of your conscious mind and create your miraculous self (this takes only a few minutes) by aligning your spirit and your deep inner human wisdom: Then you will be guided and supported by your spirit and deep inner human wisdom working together. This takes you to levels that your conscious mind cannot do on its own
Then you can be released from the spiritual cages created by your own, past life, family and ancestral karma and spiritual contracts
Then you can create whole being permission and alignment: Align your spirit, soul, conscious mind, unconscious mind, and body so that you manifest a more miraculous life
Reprogram your chakras and energy field to create success, fulfillment, love, and happiness
Transformation can be easy and fun if you
It is based on 40 years of working with spiritual people who want to open more of their full potential to live a more miraculous life
🤔 What is the OLD version of spiritual alchemy?
The old version of spiritual alchemy (transforming the self at a deep, spiritual level), was similar to the ancient alchemists' quest to turn base metals into gold. In this old version of spiritual alchemy, the 'base metal' is your present self and the "gold" is your higher, enlightened self. They believed you had to be transmuted into your higher self.
The old idea of “spiritual alchemy” is outdated and harmful
In Energetic NLP, we have replaced it with Spiritual Alchemy 2.0
What is Spiritual Alchemy 2.0?
You don’t need to be transmuted; you need to be released.
You are already an embodiment of a vast and beautiful spiritual being
But, we all live in "spiritual cages" created by:
⛯ Unconscious and energetic programming
⛯ Limiting beliefs
⛯ Karma
⛯ Spiritual contracts.
These cages cause you to think, feel, and act in ways that are sometimes not authentic to who you really are and block you from opening more of your full potential
That’s normal of course, it is the human condition.
But who wants to be normal?
Since you are reading this, you are one of the rare people who aspire (and are committed) to opening more of your full potential--not to be normal.
By using Energetic NLP you can clear and heal those limitations and manifest more and more of who you really are.
💫 Spiritual Alchemy 2.0 is easy.
You don't have to serious, transformation can be playful and fun
You do not analyze yourself and try to figure it all out
You do not work hard
You create your Miraculous Self (which is easy). Then you let your Miraculous Self and the powerful remote energy work do all the hard work for you.
Then you will align your spirit, conscious mind, unconscious mind, and body to create Whole Being Alignment and Permission.
The whole process is easy and fun.
But, time is running out.
The program is
Curious, just click on the link below.
The good news:
These challenging times are also an incredible opportunity to make profound personal and spiritual growth
You don't have to do it alone, you can have guidance, transformative energies, and the energetic support of an amazing community
You can connect with with your Miraculous Self and transform our lives on a deep level.
—from the book: The Awakening: 9 Principles for Finding the Courage to Change Your Life by Sidra Jafri
In the Spiritual Alchemy program, you get to:
Release energetic barriers that hold you back
Eliminate Limiting Beliefs and let your inner wisdom automatically replace them with empowering beliefs
Clear karma,
End or revise "spiritual contracts"
Heal and clear unconscious blocks
Create your "Miraculous Self"
Be guided, nurtured, and supported by your Miraculous Self
Let your Miraculous Self automatically replace limiting beliefs and old programing with empowering beliefs
Advance to new levels of spiritual growth
Develop a deeper connection to your true self
Open more of your full potential
Have more confidence and joy
As you participate in the program, you’ll learn to relax and let your inner wisdom come forth. With this newfound clarity, you can harness your own unique spiritual power to help you on your journey.
I hope you will take this opportunity to experience this transformation for yourself.
The second and third sessions are 75 minutes
You start receiving benefits, as soon as you signup!
There are bonus video sessions you can use immediately after you sign up, so you start receiving the benefits and transformation now
And you will be included in the energy field of the program as soon as you sign up. This is very powerful
Immediate access to videos to start your spiritual alchemy now
Here's what you will receive:
The benefits start as soon as you sign up. You have immediate access to video programs as soon as you sign up.
So you start living a more miraculous life now!
Sunday, June 2, 2024 in person in London
10 AM to 5 PM
June 19, 2024
Follow up online session to make sure you receive even more benefits!You will receive a recording of the follow up session (only)
1 recorded pre-session to start clearing blocks immediately now and to make sure you receive the maximum benefits
Energize Your Goals only program
People don't realize it, but their goals are distorted by other people's energy which contains what THEY think your goals should be
60 Day money back guarantee
If you aren't satisfied (which is very unlikely) you have 60 days to request a refund via PayPal
In the Spiritual Alchemy program, you get to:
Release energetic barriers that hold you back
Eliminate Limiting Beliefs and let your inner wisdom automatically replace them with empowering beliefs
Clear karma,
End or revise "spiritual contracts"
Heal and clear unconscious blocks
Create your "Miraculous Self"
Be guided, nurtured, and supported by your Miraculous Self
Let your Miraculous Self automatically replace limiting beliefs and old programing with empowering beliefs
Advance to new levels of spiritual growth
Develop a deeper connection to your true self
Open more of your full potential
Have more confidence and joy
As you participate in the program, you’ll learn to relax and let your inner wisdom come forth. With this newfound clarity, you can harness your own unique spiritual power to help you on your journey.
I hope you will take this opportunity to experience this transformation for yourself.
This is a hybrid program:
Recorded sessions in advance to make sure you receive the most benefits from the program
One day in person (no recordings)
Plus one online follow session to make sure you integrate the life-changing benefits. You will receive a video of the online session
You start receiving benefits, as soon as you signup!
There are bonus video sessions you can use immediately after you sign up, so you start receiving the benefits and transformation now
And you will be included in the energy field of the program as soon as you sign up. This is very powerful
Immediate access to videos to start your spiritual alchemy now
Immediate access to video sessions as soon as you sign up. So you start your living a more miraculous life now
Sunday, June 2, 2024
In Person, 10 AM to 5 PM
Blue Orchid Wellington Hotel, Victoria London (near Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abby and Big Ben)
One online follow up session (with the the video of the online session)
June 19, 2024 11 AM Los Angeles/ 7 PM London/ 8 PM Paris
1 recorded pre-session to start clearing blocks immediately now and to make sure you receive the maximum benefits
Live access and the recordings of the online follow up session
Blue Orchid Wellington Hotel
An Oasis of Peace in Central London
Near Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey
Early Bird
Extended! Our internet provider had tech problems so this page was not working for a few days, so we are extending the early bird until May 29.
$199 (about £159)
Prevideos to help you get the most out of the program
Miraculous Self Bonus video
Two bonus online programs
Heal and Activate Your Chakras: Advanced Chakra Spa
Experiencing Divine Love
Total value = $839
Procrastinating Bird
May 29 and later
$249 (about £199)
Be guided by your deep inner wisdom and spirit
Learn advanced (but easy and rapid) Energetic NLP energy concepts, processes, and techniques
Heal subconscious, spiritual, and energetic programing that causes you to hold onto other people's energy
Change spiritual contracts
Leave knowing simple, rapid, and very effective Energetic NLP processes that you can use to keep enhancing your life in only minutes a day
Be able to not just be grounded, but to superground
Clear karma
Here are some of the comments from the chats during a recent Energetic NLP program
Janeki: I have been experiencing heal pain and every time we do the grounding, the pain goes away. Thank You So Much 🥰
Theresa: I am back in my body. Much less other energy bouncing around inside of me. Ahhh
Mailys: Thank you! feeling great and enthusiastic 🙂🙏
Deb: Thank you. Such an interesting journey to be on.
Shari & Richard: Thank you so much, Art! 💜🙏🏻💐
Dr. Tanja: Thank you Art ♥️
Morwenna: Thank you!
Shari & Richard: Love and blessings to everyone... the council of Miraculous Selves! 💜💜💜
Diana: I feel good and free!
Jo: thanks Art. It's nice to be here in person today!
Tammy: Thank you very much Art for the session, and everyone else for being here sharing energy with us <3
kiet: 😻 Thank you Thank you Thank you
Barbara: Very magical! Thank you o wise one!
Paula: Thank you for an enriching session, I couldn’t help smiling 😊
Olive: Thank you Art, lovely session
Melissa: my crown is smiling
Emma: Thank you Art 🙏☀️
Veronika: Thank you Art.
: Wow, another powerful session that knocked me out at times. Thank you 😁
Kathleen: thank you Art... today was awesome .
Claire: Thank you, Art. Blessings!
Karen: Great
Diane: ✨🌿Thank you so much, Art, and all who participate! ✨🌿
Shari & Richard: Om shanti shanti shanti 🙏🏻
Tammy: The smiling technique... another new one for me. How awesome!
Paula: Thank you so very much for doing these sessions 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Unleash more of your potential to live a mirauclous life
Release societal, familial, and ancestral programming energies
Clear energetic and spiritual programming
“Art is a master in the art of the possible. And what’s possible will exceed your wildest expectations.
So don’t delay, sign up now.”
Elaine Hopkins – London
If you are attracted to taking the program, you are ready! There will be an online videos you can use before the program to clear blocks So that you will receive the most benefits from Spiritual Alchemy. And since your Miraculous Self will be in charge Miraculous Self in charge of how you benefit, you will receive exactly what is right for you now. And there is an online follow up session to help you fully integrate the benefits of the program
It is formed when your spirit with its vast knowledge and perspective and your deep inner human wisdom with its very practical wisdom align to nurture you, heal you, and support you.
We are bombarded with the belief that we have to think hard and work hard to heal our energetic, spiritual, and unconscious blocks. We believe we have to understand and analyze everything. When you put your Miraculous Self in charge you go beyond the limits of logic and into the miraculous. Personal growth becomes easier, more fun, and more miraculous.
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